The PP will take the Housing Law to the Constitutional Law and will not apply it in its municipalities

 Casado affirms that the Government's agreement is "communism" that expropriates private property.

The president of the PP, Pablo Casado, announced this morning that the Communities and municipalities governed by the PP will not apply the housing law that the Government announced yesterday, after the agreement between PSOE and United We Can to approve the general state budgets. A rule that the PP will appeal to the Constitutional Court, considering that it violates private property, to such an extent that for the president of the popular it shows that the Government is "communism, which expropriates the property of citizens."

The IBI surcharge up to 50% to empty homes will not be applied by the PP

Pablo Casado stressed that the IBI surcharges of up to 150% to the empty houses of the large holders, correspond to put them to the city councils and many other of the announced measures have to be implemented by the Autonomous Communities, and are not mandatory, but voluntary , and that is why the Housing Law, "no matter how much it has been announced with great fanfare," will not be applied in the autonomies and municipalities governed by the PP, the opposition leader has warned.

The president of the PP does not downplay the seriousness of the housing problem but, in his opinion, the measures that have been agreed do not resolve the issue and, however, aggravate other aspects of the economy, because it creates legal uncertainty for investors They do not know if they are going to be expropriated, since the Government "interferes with freedom and private property."

Casado warns that the measures will not put apartments for rent

In his opinion, the result of the approved initiative will be that "flats will not be put up" for rent, as has happened in other Spanish and European cities where there has been an attempt to implement rent caps or control increases. In addition, Casado stressed the incongruity that the Government appealed to the TC the Housing Law of Catalonia, which was similar to what is now approved

In the end, according to Casado, what the agreed Housing Law shows is that "Sánchez is held hostage by his radical partners," and that in the negotiation of the budgets the concessions to ERC or EH Bildu have not yet arrived.

The leader of the PP concludes that the radical "is Sánchez"

But despite the fact that he believes that Sánchez is held hostage by his partners, he is convinced that deep down the radical is Sánchez himself. "They said that the radical was Pablo Iglesias, Pablo Iglesias is no longer there, and the Government is just as radical, and the radical is Sánchez." And he reiterated the thesis that he has maintained for a long time: "It was Sánchez who did not want to agree with Ciudadanos, and he could have done so, and in 2020 he could have agreed with the PP, and he did not want to."

With this Government, and with this PP, Pablo Casado reiterated that the General Council of the Judiciary will not be renewed, because the Government is the one who does not want to depoliticize Justice. They are willing to do so as soon as steps are taken along that line, and what Europe demands is fulfilled, which is that at least half of the judges are elected by the judges.


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